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The Birth of ABHA – A Journey of Hope and Healing

ABHA was born out of a deep desire to bring about change, fueled by personal tragedy and the recognition that healing goes beyond physical ailments. It began during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when I was deeply immersed in leading a volunteer organization to provide aid during the crisis. It was during this period that I connected with a person who was struggling with her own mental health issues. Though we became close, I was often preoccupied with the demands of the organization.

One day, she reached out to me, but I was too engrossed in my work to return her call. A few days later, I received a heart-wrenching message from an unknown number. It informed me that she had passed away and that I had meant a lot to her. That moment shattered me, but it also sparked a determination within me. I realized then how society often places more emphasis on physical illness, overlooking the equally critical struggles of mental health. Instead of dwelling on regret, I chose to turn my sorrow into a mission. I understood that I couldn’t change what had already happened, but I could ensure that others wouldn’t suffer a similar loss due to unaddressed mental health issues. By helping others, I hoped to honor my friend’s memory in a way that would truly matter—a tribute that could make a difference in someone else’s life.

While I was working on this new endeavor, life threw another challenge my way. On April 19, 2024, my mother underwent a surgery. Following the procedure, she began to exhibit strange behavior. She called me at one in the morning, something she had never done before. Her words were unsettling, and even though I was in Russia at the time, I knew something was seriously wrong.

At first, I thought it might be stress, but her behavior continued to deteriorate. She stopped taking care of herself, became increasingly detached from reality, and even began to chant obsessively. I was desperate to find answers and initially thought there might be a spiritual cause, but when that didn’t help, I realized the issue was deeper. Without delay, I flew back to India, and when I arrived, I saw the despair in my father and grandmother’s eyes. My mother, the woman who had always been my source of strength, could not even recognize me. The doctors diagnosed her with bipolar disorder, and though it took time and the right treatment, she began to recover.

It was during this period that I learned my mother had been silently suffering from depression and anxiety for over a decade. We had all missed the signs, including me. This painful revelation fueled my resolve. Mental health is as vital as physical health, and I knew I had to act—not just for my mother or my late friend but for everyone silently battling mental health issues.

Ten to fifteen days after my mother’s condition began to stabilize, I finalized the project proposal that would become ABHA. I reached out to my former colleagues, and on Mother’s Day, we held our first official meeting. Despite initial doubts, especially considering the sensitivity of mental health issues in India, we moved forward with purpose.

By June 21st, ABHA was officially registered, and since then, there has been no turning back. ABHA has become a beacon of hope for those facing mental health challenges. Each day, we witness positive transformations in the lives of our clients, and it’s a source of immense satisfaction.

For me, ABHA is not just an organization—it’s my way of turning pain into purpose. It’s a reminder that healing must encompass both body and mind. ABHA is the light that emerged from my darkest moments, and it stands as a testament to the power of hope, love, and respect.

Through ABHA, I have found my own healing, and I am committed to helping others find theirs. ABHA represents the belief that every person deserves to be heard, to be respected, and to be loved. This is the foundation upon which ABHA is built, and it’s what will carry us forward in our mission to heal, support, and inspire.

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